Atlas' newborn shoot Atlas' newborn shoot Our first portraits as a new family. February 29th, 2020 In Milestones
Dear Atlas, the book Dear Atlas, the book Our new official bedtime story. February 8th, 2020 In Milestones
The acquisition watch The acquisition watch The one that started it all. July 13th, 2019 In Milestones
One simple question One simple question And the most important photo I've ever taken. June 11th, 2019 In Milestones
The birthday watch The birthday watch A bit of the 60’s to commemorate my (mid) 30’s. June 1st, 2019 In Milestones
The before The before Is there anything more stressful than a blank canvas? May 29th, 2019 In Interior Design
That time we said I Do That time we said I Do Fifteen years in the making. May 26th, 2019 In Milestones